Sunday, July 13, 2014

Escape to Peace by Nita Trevor

Nita Trevor:  Biography

b. Malaysia
Migrated to Australia 1990

Ten years ago Nina suffered a severe burn injury and spent time at the Alfred Hospital recovering. Nita was an A-class art student at school, however, it was during her hospital stay that she participated in art therapy classes and reignited her passion for the arts.

“My first picture was of an angel. It took the pain away and I’ve never looked back.”

At times of loneliness when revisiting childhood trauma, Nita has courageously turned to her art making as a healing process.

In 2003 Nita previously exhibited at the Richmond Uniting Church.
For the past three years Nita has been a regular attendee of The Exchange Program in Coburg, where she has been working on painting, drawing and mosaics. Earlier this year Nita also joined Artstop SRS Open Studios. Nita is a prolific and talented artist of great enthusiasm.

Artist Statement: Escape To Peace

Escape To Peace is a series of delightful scenic watercolour paintings depicting beautiful places the world over. Remarkably, Nita is able to use the very act of art making to enable her to escape from physical and emotional pain and escape to imagined places where she can find peace. The joy she finds there is apparent in her paintings, which capture the splendor of nature, the vastness of space and the beauty of light. 

“I suffer from depression. When I look at the pictures I teleport into the painting and smell the flowers. I can go to Tassie where it’s freezing cold when it’s hot here as I’m painting. I went to a pink sandy beach in Perth, all by myself and sun baked. Being in the painting makes me feel good. “

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